Financial Services Next Steps
The Office of Student Financial Services is eager to assist students and parents with understanding the steps required to finalize financial aid and to set up arrangements for payment. By mid-April, all accepted students should receive a Financial Aid Offer. Our office is actively corresponding via UE email regarding issues affecting the processing of students’ financial aid offers. We encourage students to check their UE email on a regular basis and take the necessary steps to resolve any pending issues.
INITIAL FINANCIAL AID OFFER: Financial Aid Offers are being sent via US postal mail. This packet contains comprehensive details about your financial aid offer based on the current information our office has received.
- Verification: If your FAFSA was selected for review by the federal processor, a Verification Worksheet will be enclosed in your initial Financial Aid Offer. Please complete and return the Verification Worksheet and follow all required instructions for confirming income. The financial aid offered is not final until the verification process is complete.
REVISIONS TO INITIAL FINANCIAL AID OFFER: Revisions may be viewed through the MyUE portal within Financial Aid Self-Service. Revisions to your aid may occur for several reasons: FAFSA changes made by you or as a result of verification corrections, additional financial aid you receive after your initial award, or changes to your housing or enrollment status.
RESPONDING TO FINANCIAL AID OFFER: Respond to your Financial Aid Offer through the MyUE portal within Financial Aid Self-Service. (The Office of Admission has sent information to students regarding the log-in process. Contact your Admission Counselor if you have any difficulty accessing Self-Service.) Once logged in, please Accept or Decline each form of aid offered and electronically sign your Financial Aid Offer.
Federal Direct Subsidized/Unsubsidized Loan for Students: The amount shown on your UE Financial Aid Offer indicates your maximum eligibility as of the date of offer. You may request a lower amount than offered.
Master Promissory Note (MPN) and Entrance Counseling: First-time borrowers and students new to UE must complete both processes online at
Federal Work-Study Program: This award represents the opportunity to work on campus approximately nine hours per week. You may opt to keep work-study earnings or apply them to your UE student account. If you have accepted Federal Work-study you will receive an email during the summer with detailed information regarding the program. The application should be completed and returned to the Office of Student Financial Services. If you were not offered Work-study on your Financial Aid Offer, but are interested in working on campus, you may apply at the beginning of the fall semester as vacancies arise.
DETERMINE YOUR ESTIMATED NET COST: An Estimated Net Cost Summary is provided within the initial Financial Aid Offer. If your initial award is revised, please utilize the online Estimated Cost Calculator to help determine your estimated balance due.
PAYMENT OPTIONS FOR DIRECT COSTS: The semester's billing summary is viewable within Student Finance Self-Service. Financial aid is divided evenly between each semester and will appear as a credit once all processing is final. Parents who have been granted access by their student will be able to view billing information and account activity. In general, payment options include:
By the semester: Fall billing is available on July 15 and payment is due by August 15. Spring billing is available December 1 and payment is due by mid-December.
UE Monthly Payment Plan: 10- or 8-month enrollment options available.
Parent PLUS Loans or private student loans: Parent PLUS Loans or private student loans may be requested in amounts to cover the remaining balance. Additional funds may be requested to cover indirect costs, up to Cost of Attendance.
Federal Parent Loan for Undergraduate Students (PLUS): Parents of dependent students may apply for the Federal Parent PLUS Loan.
Parent will log in to with his/her FSA ID and complete the online application for the PLUS Loan for Parents. Once application is submitted, parent will receive the credit check decision.
Master Promissory Note (MPN): Federal regulations require that first-time parent borrowers complete a Master Promissory Note (MPN) for the Parent PLUS Loan at (Note: The MPN is required to be completed by the parent borrower even if the parent has borrowed for another child. The MPN is unique to the parent/child pairing.)
Parent will receive a follow-up email from the Office of Student Financial Services with the PLUS Loan Supplemental form.
Private Loan for Student: Private educational loans (often called 'alternative' loans) are available on a credit-approval basis from private lenders and offer additional financial assistance if you have exhausted all other sources of funding for your education. Filing the FAFSA is not required for private loans; however, you are encouraged to use all grants, scholarships and federal loans for which you are eligible before considering any private loan. Lenders allow the loan to be in the student’s name; however, most require a creditworthy adult cosigner to qualify for a private loan. Each private lender has different eligibility requirements, loan rates, repayments terms, and conditions. Some will not require loan repayment until after college, but may require payment of interest while you are in school. Please use our Private Lender Comparison Tools to compare private loan options and access online applications. The lenders listed in these links are the most widely used by UE students and are offered here for the convenience of comparing loan options. You may select any lender you wish for a private educational loan.
Office Phone
812-488-2364 or 800-424-8634
Office Fax
Office Email
Office Location
Room 105, Olmsted Administration Hall
Making Payments
Payment Location
Room 105G, Olmsted Administration Hall